Admission and Attendance Information

Completion/Graduation Requirements


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Santa Monica College grants the Associate degree to students who have successfully completed sixty (60) degreeapplicable units, and a Bachelor of Science in Interaction Design to students who have successfully completed 120 degree-applicable units — consisting of courses that meet State and local general education (GE) requirements, courses that fulfill requirements for a major, and elective courses — with a cumulative degree-applicable grade point average of C (2.0) or higher.

All college-level work (except basic skills and some religion and theology courses) taken at regionally accredited twoyear colleges (including Santa Monica College) and in the lower-division of regionally accredited four-year colleges is counted when calculating the cumulative degree-applicable GPA and the sixty (60) degree-applicable units. Upperdivision, graduate, and professional courses from regionally accredited colleges will be applied toward the Associate degree as needed. Please see for details.

Students planning to graduate should first make an appointment to meet with a counselor to verify that they are eligible for graduation. The petition may be submitted at

Students must file a Petition for Graduation with the Admissions Office during the academic term in which they plan to complete requirements for graduation.

Santa Monica College policies authorize the College to confer a degree or certificate upon an eligible student without requiring a petition for the degree or certificate when the student has stopped attending. The Admissions Office will notify potential awardees of its intent to confer the degree or certificate.

Honors at graduation will be awarded to students who have a cumulative degree-applicable grade point average of 3.0 or higher (including degree-applicable coursework completed at other regionally accredited colleges), who have completed a minimum of 12 units of coursework at SMC, and who are in good standing at the time they graduate.