Program Prerequisites: (21 units)
ANATMY 1,Human Anatomy(4)
CHEM 10,Introductory General Chemistry(5)
CHEM 19,Fundamentals of General, Organic, and Biological Chemistry(5)
HEALTH 61,Medical Terminology(3)
MCRBIO 1,Fundamentals of Microbiology(5)
PHYS 3,Human Physiology(4)
Students may apply to program while prerequisites are in progress; must complete with
grade “C” or better before start of the program.
First Year:
NOTE: Once students are admitted to the program, an Education Plan is developed that
must be followed.
FALL SEMESTER: (15 units)
RC 1,Fundamentals of Respiratory Care(2)
RC 1L,Applied Fundamentals of Respiratory Care(2)
RC 2,Integrated Respiratory Physiology and Pathophysiology I(2)
RC 2L,Applied Integrated Respiratory Physiology and Pathophysiology I(2)
RC 3,Respiratory Care Therapeutics(3)
RC 3L,Applied Respiratory Care Therapeutics(3)
RC 4,Physician Interaction I(1)
RC 5,Integrated Respiratory Physiology and Pathophysiology II(2)
RC 5L,Applied Integrated Respiratory Physiology and Pathophysiology II(2)
Second Year:
RC 9,Intermediate Mechanical Ventilation(2)
RC 9L,Applied Intermediate Mechanical Ventilation(3)
FALL SEMESTER: (14.5 units)
RC 10,Advanced Life Support and ICU Monitoring(2)
RC 10L,Applied Advanced Life Support and ICU Monitoring(3)
RC 11,Advanced Mechanical Ventilation(2)
RC 11L,Applied Advanced Mechanical Ventilation(2)
RC 12,Physician Interaction III(1)
RC 13,Neonatal and Pediatric Respiratory Care(2)
RC 13L,Applied Neonatal and Pediatric Respiratory Care(2)
RC 14,Outpatient Respiratory Care(1)
RC 14L,Applied Outpatient Respiratory Care(2)
RC 15,Respiratory Disease Management(2)
RC 15L,Applied Respiratory Disease Management(2)
RC 16,Transition to Independent Practice(2)
RC 17,Physician Interaction IV(1)
RC 18,Computer Assisted Clinical Simulations(1)
All program courses must be completed with a “C” grade or better to meet the CA Respiratory
Care Board Licensure requirements. Students must obtain an Associate degree from Santa
Monica College upon completion of the program requirements in order to meet minimum
CA licensure requirements.