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This program offers an interdisciplinary foundation in the natural sciences for students who wish to transfer to pursue their education and training at the upper-division (or advanced) level in biology, chemistry, earth sciences, environmental science, geology, mathematics, physics, and many others. It is a basic foundation for students who are preparing for careers in fields where scientific and technical skills are in demand, including health sciences, medicine, business, agriculture, education, and government.

For additional career possibilities, visit the Career Services Center on the main campus to utilize computerized career information systems and other valuable career resources.

General Science, Associate Degree

Program Learning Outcomes: Upon completion of the program, students will demonstrate through oral, written, and laboratory-based academic work knowledge of the physical and life sciences, and be prepared to pursue further study in a science major at the baccalaureate level. Students will be proficient in the scientific method, research, analytical, and communication skills necessary to present a critical analysis of scientific phenomena and devise solutions.

Select 18 units from the following three groups as specified below:

GROUP A: Mathematics (a minimum of 1 course of at least 3 units required):

ACCTG 45 (same as BUS 45), ( )
BUS 45 (same as ACCTG 45), ( )
MATH – 2, 3, 4, 7, 8, 10, 11, 13, 15, 18, 20, 21, 26, 28, 29, 32*, 41, 49, 50, 54, ( )
*if completed fall 2006 or later, ( )

GROUP B: Physical Science (a minimum of 1 course of at least 3 units required):

ASTRON – 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 7, 8, 9, 10 (same as GEOL 10), ( )
CHEM – all courses, ( )
GEOG 1, 3, 5, 35F, 35S, ( )
GEOL – all courses, ( )
PHYSCS – all courses, ( )

GROUP C: Life Sciences (minimum of 3 units); At least 1 course required:

ANATMY – 1, 2, ( )
ANTHRO 1, 5, 9, 10, ( )
BIOL – all courses (except BIOL 81), ( )
BOTANY – 1, 3, ( )
MCRBIO 1, ( )
NUTR 1, ( )
PHYS 3, ( )
PSYCH 2, ( )
ZOOL 5, ( )