2023-2024 College Catalog

Global Studies


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Global Studies is a multi- and interdisciplinary program designed to increase knowledge and understanding of the processes of globalization and their impacts on societies, cultures, and environments around the world. The Global Studies program provides the student with a knowledge of critical issues that affect their lives and community, as well as the affairs of other cultures, societies, and nations. An understanding of the world’s social, political, economic, and natural systems and their increasing interdependence, along with an appreciation of the diversity of human culture, will supply the student with a strong background for working in a global economy, for living in a multicultural society, and for making intelligent decisions as global citizens.

Global Studies, Associate Degree or Certificate of Achievement

Program Learning Outcome: Upon completion of the program, students will possess an increased understanding of the world’s social, political, economic and natural systems and their increasing interdependence, as well as an appreciation of the diversity of human culture, which in turn will enable them to better work in the global economy, live in a multicultural society, and make intelligent decision as global citizens. Through the subject matter and activities presented in each course in the Global Studies program, students will be able to:

  1. Analyze major global challenges from a multi- and interdisciplinary perspective;
  2. Identify varying worldviews on the same issues, events, and occurrences;
  3. Differentiate multiple perspectives on globalization and their effects on decision-making and behavior (and the individual, community, and national levels);
  4. Explain how/why the environmental well-being of the world demands personal and collective responsibility at both the local and global levels;
  5. Describe core civic/citizenship values which generate socially responsible behavior at both local and global levels;
  6. Explain the interconnectedness of global decisions and events; and
  7. Analyze the interdependence among people, groups, societies, governments, and nations in finding solutions to current global problems and conflicts.

Area of Emphasis: (21 units)

Required Core Courses: (9 units)

ECON 5,International Political Economy: Intro. to Global Studies (same as GLOBAL 5 and POL SC 5)(3)
GLOBAL 5,International Political Economy: Intro. to Global Studies (same as ECON 5 and POL SC 5)(3)
POL SC 5,International Political Economy: Intro. to Global Studies (same as ECON 5 and GLOBAL 5)(3)
GLOBAL 10,Global Issues(3)
GEOG 11,World Geography: Introduction to Global Studies (same as GLOBAL 11)(3)
GLOBAL 11,World Geography: Introduction to Global Studies (same as GEOG 11)(3)

Culture and Society: (3 units)

ANTHRO 2,Cultural Anthropology(3)
ANTHRO 3,World Archaeology(3)
ANTHRO 7,Introduction to Linguistic Anthropology(3)
ANTHRO 14,Sex, Gender, and Culture(3)
ANTHRO 19,The Culture of Food(3)
ANTHRO 21,Peoples and Power in Latin America(3)
ASTRON 6,Archeoastronomy(3)
COM ST 37,Intercultural Communication(3)
ENVRN 7,Introduction to Environmental Studies (same as GEOG 7)(3)
ENVRN 20,Environmental Ethics (same as PHILOS 20)(3)
ENVRN 22,Environmental Politics and Policies (same as POL SC 22)(3)
ENVRN 40,Environmental Psychology (same as PSYCH 40)(3)
FASHN 15,Ethnic Fashion(3)
GEOG 2,Introduction to Human Geography(3)
GEOG 7,Introduction to Environmental Studies (same as ENVRN 7)(3)
GEOG 8,Introduction to Urban Studies (same as URBAN 8)(3)
GLOBAL 3,Global Media (same as MEDIA 3)(3)
LING 1,Introduction to Linguistics(3)
MEDIA 3,Global Media (same as GLOBAL 3)(3)
PHILOS 20,Environmental Ethics (same as ENVRN 20)(3)
POL SC 22,Environmental Politics and Policies (same as ENVRN 22)(3)
PSYCH 40,Environmental Psychology (same as ENVRN 40)(3)
SOCIOL 1,Introduction to Sociology(3)
SOCIOL 1s,Introduction to Sociology – Service Learning(3)
URBAN 8,Introduction to Urban studies (same as GEOG 8)(3)
WGS 20,Gender, Feminisms, and Social Movements: A Global Approach (formerly WOM ST 20)(3)

Governance and Conflict: (3 units)

PHILOS 48,Nonviolent Resistance(3)
PHILOS 51,Political Philosophy (same as POL SC 51)(3)
PHILOS 52,Modern Political Thought (same as POL SC 52)(3)
POL SC 2,Comparative Government and Politics(3)
POL SC 3,Introduction to Politics: Justice, Power and Agency(3)
POL SC 7,International Politics(3)
POL SC 11,World Affairs and the United Nations(3)
POL SC 47,International Politics Seminar(3)
POL SC 51,Political Philosophy (same as PHILOS 51) (3)
POL SC 52,Contemporary Political Thought (same as PHILOS 52) (3)

Markets and Economies: (3 units)

BUS 50,Introduction to International Business(3)
BUS 52,International Marketing(3)
BUS 53,Importing and Exporting(3)
BUS 54,International Management(3)
BUS 55,Southern California’s International Connections and Blue/Ocean Economy(3)
ECON 1,Principles of Microeconomics(3)
ECON 2,Principles of Macroeconomics(3)

World History/Area Studies: Select at least 3 units from the following:

AHIS 3,Global Art History Since 1860(3)
AHIS 5,Latin American Art History 1(3)
AHIS 6,Latin American Art History 2(3)
AHIS 11,Art Appreciation: Introduction to Global Visual Culture(3)
AHIS 15,Mexican Art History(3)
AHIS 17,Arts of Asia(3)
AHIS 18,Introduction to African Art History(3)
AHIS 22,Architectural History and Theory – 1850 to Present(3)
DANCE 5,Dance History(3)
DANCE 20,World Dance Styles and Forms(2)
DANCE 21A,Beginning Asian Pacific Dance (formerly DANCE 21)(2)
DANCE 22B,Intermediate Mexican Dance (formerly DANCE 23)(2)
DANCE 24,Flamenco Dance 1(2)
DANCE 25,African Dance(2)
DANCE 27,Brazilian Dance(2)
DANCE 29,Middle Eastern/North African Dance(2)
ENGL 32,History and Literature of Contemporary Africa (formerly same as HIST 30)(3)
ENGL 40,Asian Literature(3)
ENGL 45,Asian Film, Literature, and Society(3)
ENGL 49,Asian Mythology(3)
ENGL 56,20th Century European Literature(3)
ENGL 58,Literature of Mexico(3)
ENVRN 32,Global Environmental History (same as HIST 32)(3)
HIST 2,History of Western Civilization II(3)
HIST 4,British Civilization II(3)
HIST 6,History of Latin America 2(3)
HIST 19,History of Mexico(3)
HIST 21,History of Russia(3)
HIST 22,History of the Middle East(3)
HIST 25,History of East Asia Since 1600(3)
HIST 27,History of Southeast Asia(3)
HIST 28,Modern Europe: 1914 to the Present(3)
HIST 29,Jewish History(3)
HIST 32,Global Environmental History (same as ENVRN 32)(3)
HIST 34,World Civilizations II(3)
HIST 39,African History II(3)
HIST 41,Native-American History(3)
HIST 53,The History of Religion(3)
HUM 9A,South Asia: Culture and Civilization(3)
HUM 28s,Contemporary Life in China(2)
JAPAN 9,Japan: Culture and Civilization(3)
KOREAN 9,Korean Civilization(3)
MUSIC 29,A World of Music(3)
MUSIC 31,Music History II(3)
PHILOS 4,Modern Philosophers(3)
PHILOS 22,Asian Philosophy(3)
PHILOS 23,Philosophy of Religion(3)
POL SC 14,Middle East Government and Politics(3)
SPAN 20,Latin American Civilization(3)

Foreign Language Requirement (same as IGETC Area 6)

The Foreign Language requirement can be met by completion of the IGETC Area 6A. For detailed information, see the IGETC information.