Academic Policies

Course Repetition


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California Code of Regulations Title 5 limits the number of times a student may repeat a course in the California Community College system. These regulations also require all current and prior credit course enrollments, repetitions, and withdrawals in a student’s enrollment record to be counted toward the maximum limit, except for courses where an Excused Withdrawal (EW) was granted.

Students who wish or need to repeat a course in which they have previously earned an unsatisfactory grade or a W may re-enroll ONE TIME without the need to request prior permission from a counselor. Any subsequent attempts to re-enroll require authorization from a counselor BEFORE ENROLLING. In some cases, after meeting with a counselor, students will need to complete and file a Request for Special Consideration petition with the Counseling Department to repeat a course. The counselor will determine whether a petition is required. Depending on the circumstances, requests to enroll in a course a THIRD time may not be approved. Requests to enroll in a course a FOURTH time (or more) will NOT be approved, except under certain, very limited extenuating circumstances, which must be documented. Courses completed with an EW will not count against the enrollment limits listed above.

For complete details, please see “Credit Course Enrollment Limitation” (SMC AR 4340), available online at The Credit Course Enrollment Limitation policy is subject to change, pending revisions to California Code of Regulations Title 5.