RC 3 | Respiratory Care Therapeutics3 unitsTransfer: CSU
This course presents the basic concepts and principles in oxygen supply systems and administration, humidity and aerosol therapy, lung expansion therapy and airway clearance techniques. |
RC 3L | Applied Respiratory Care Therapeutics3 unitsTransfer: CSU
This course provides hands-on practice and supervised clinical experience at local area hospitals with the purpose of practicing the assessment of need, administration, monitoring and reevaluation of respiratory care therapeutics (oxygen therapy, lung expansion therapy, aerosol therapy, lung expansion therapy, airway clearance modalities, and humidity therapy). Technical skills, knowledge and attitude are practiced. The student is assessed in competency of therapeutic delivery, assessment of need, assessment outcome, monitoring and evaluation of therapy. |
RC 4 | Physician Interaction I1 unitTransfer: CSU
This course provides direct physician interaction and student involvement in the clinical and nonclinical settings. The course will focus on the ability to present patient respiratory assessments, SBAR and assessment of need, assessment of outcome, recognize adverse effects and make recommendations of respiratory care therapeutics to a physician. |
RC 5 | Integrated Respiratory Physiology and Pathophysiology II2 unitsTransfer: CSU
This course presents the integrated physiology, pathophysiology, diagnosis and treatment of cardiopulmonary diseases and injuries such as adult respiratory distress syndrome (ARDS), pulmonary edema, chest trauma, smoke inhalation, thermal injuries, communicable diseases, and sleep apnea. |
RC 5L | Applied Integrated Respiratory Physiology and Pathophysiology II2 unitsTransfer: CSU
This course presents the applied physiology, etiology, pathophysiology, diagnosis, and treatment of cardiopulmonary diseases such as adult respiratory distress syndrome (ARDS), pulmonary edema, chest trauma, smoke inhalation, thermal injuries, communicable diseases, sleep apnea, etc. |
RC 6 | Airway Management2 unitsTransfer: CSU
This course covers the essentials of routine artificial airway care in the acute care setting. Conditions that lead to airway damage are discussed as well as techniques used to prevent them. Emphasis is placed on maintaining and troubleshooting artificial airways and preventing ventilator associated events. |
RC 6L | Applied Airway Management3 unitsTransfer: CSU
This course provides hands-on skills in a lab setting and supervised clinical experience at local area hospitals with the purpose of gaining experience in establishing and maintaining a patent airway. Technical skills, knowledge and attitudes on emergency airway and airway management are practiced. The student is assessed in competencies assisting with endotracheal intubation and surgical and percutaneous tracheostomy procedures, securing and maintaining a patent airway. |
RC 7 | Introduction to Mechanical Ventilation2 unitsTransfer: CSU
This course covers the assessment of need, initiation, monitoring and assessment of outcome for patients requiring noninvasive and invasive mechanical ventilation. Evidence-based research is used to guide the selection of the correct interface and mode of ventilation for a particular condition requiring NIV. Basic modes of mechanical ventilation are introduced. |
RC 7L | Applied Introduction to Mechanical Ventilation4 unitsTransfer: CSU
This course provides supervised clinical experience at local area hospitals with the purpose of gaining experience in the application of noninvasive and invasive mechanical ventilation in the acute care setting. This introductory course in mechanical ventilation provides practice in technical skills of mechanical ventilation such as the initiation, ventilator set-up and monitoring and noninvasive ventilation. |
RC 8 | Physician Interaction II1 unitTransfer: CSU
This course provides direct physician interaction and student involvement in clinical and nonclinical settings. The course will focus on the ability to present case studies coherently and efficiently to a physician. Topics covered include initiation of noninvasive and invasive mechanical ventilation, airway management, and chest x-ray review. |
RC 9 | Intermediate Mechanical Ventilation2 unitsTransfer: CSU
This course covers highly sophisticated and complex modern mechanical ventilators. Operational differences, mechanism of action, and taxonomy of the modes of commonly used mechanical ventilators is covered. The course also looks at innovations such closed-loop control of ventilation and the future of the ICU ventilator. Emphasis is placed on understanding the effects of positive pressure ventilation on various physiological systems and how to minimize adverse effects and identification of patient-ventilator asynchrony and strategies to correct it. |
RC 9L | Applied Intermediate Mechanical Ventilation3 unitsTransfer: CSU
This course provides hands-on skills in the lab setting and supervised clinical experience at local area hospitals with the purpose of gaining experience in the application of mechanical ventilation in the acute care setting. This course provides practice in recognizing and correcting patient-ventilator interactions that cause asynchrony and physiological effects of positive pressure ventilation. In addition, the course explores innovations in mechanical ventilation. Emphasis is placed on evaluating features and capabilities of various mechanical ventilators. |
REL ST 51 | Literature of the Bible: Old Testament3 unitsTransfer: UC, CSU IGETC Area 3B (Humanities)
This course provides an analytical and critical study of the Old Testament of the Bible, focusing on its component genres and literary qualities. Attention is given to how Biblical literature has been and can be interpreted, studied, and used. Representative types of Biblical literature are examined. REL ST 51 is the same course as ENGL 51. Students may earn credit for one, but not both. |
REL ST 52 | Literature of the Bible: New Testament3 unitsTransfer: UC, CSU IGETC Area 3B (Humanities)
This course introduces the students to the variety and wealth of literature contained in the New Testament. Attention is given to the ways in which Biblical literature has been and can be interpreted, studied, and used. The various types of literature in the Bible are set forth and representative pages of each of these types are presented and examined. REL ST 52 is the same course as ENGL 52. Students may earn credit for one, but not both. |
RES TH 1 | Introduction to Respiratory Therapy2 unitsTransfer: CSU This is a survey course in respiratory therapy that provides an overview of the profession, including the various educational routes, credentialing mechanisms, professional associations, and job responsibilities of a respiratory therapist. Pulmonary anatomy, physiology and pathophysiology, measurement scales, and basic gas behavior are taught. Principles of medical gas manufacture, storage, and safety systems are introduced. |
RES TH 2 | Respiratory Therapy Fundamentals4 unitsTransfer: CSU
This course covers the structure and functions of respiratory therapy equipment. It acquaints students with most of the equipment used in the profession of respiratory care. Students are expected to be able to select, assemble, and correct malfunctions on most equipment used to provide respiratory care. |
RES TH 29 | Neonatal and Pediatric Respiratory Therapy4 unitsTransfer: CSU
This course presents prenatal development, high risk pregnancy and normal labor and delivery. Assessment of the newborn and pediatric patient is taught. Neonatal and pediatric diseases and disorders are described with an emphasis on the respiratory care interventions, techniques, and equipment used in neonatal and pediatric patient care. |
RES TH 30 | Adult Critical Care Monitory and Diagnostics3 unitsTransfer: CSU
This course presents current techniques of monitoring the critically ill adult patient. This includes electrocardiography, cardiovascular/hemodynamic monitoring, capnography and pulmonary function testing. Cardiovascular pharmacology and common approaches to supporting the unstable intensive care patient are presented. Advanced Cardiac Life Support (ACLS) algorithms for treatment of the patient with acute coronary syndrome and other related disorders are reviewed. |
RES TH 60 | Respiratory Physiology4 unitsTransfer: CSU
This course presents the physiology of the cardiopulmonary system from a clinical perspective including basic anatomy, pulmonary ventilation, diffusion of gases, pulmonary circulation, ventilation/perfusion relationships, blood gas transport, acid-base balance, mechanics of breathing and neural control of breathing. |
RES TH 70 | Respiratory Pathophysiology4 unitsTransfer: CSU
The pathology and pathophysiology, diagnosis, and treatment of common diseases and disorders of the respiratory and cardiopulmonary systems are covered in detail. Techniques of laboratory evaluation and specific monitoring methods are discussed. |