Most sections require the use of a computer with Internet access for class resources and/or to complete assignments.
KOREAN 1 | Elementary Korean I5 unitsTransfer: UC, CSU IGETC Foreign Language (required for UC only) Satisfies Global Citizenship This course introduces the students to the Korean alphabet Hangul, basic vocabulary, and fundamental sentence structures in present, past, and future tense. Pronunciation, grammar, and everyday vocabulary are stressed as indispensable tools for comprehension and expressions. Korean customs and culture are also highlighted. This course is taught in Korean except in case of linguistic difficulty as determined by the professor. |
KOREAN 2 | Elementary Korean II5 unitsTransfer: UC, CSU IGETC AREA 3B (Humanities), Foreign Language (required for UC only) Satisfies Global Citizenship
This course is a continuation of Korean 1 and further stresses modal expressions with various clausal connectives and sentence ending forms. Advanced basic aural and oral skills and reading comprehension skills are also developed. Students hold simple conversations and write short compositions in the form of compound sentences. It also advances students’ knowledge of Korean culture, customs, and traditions. This course is taught in Korean except in case of linguistic difficulty as determined by the professor. *The advisory for this course is comparable to two years of high school Korean. |
KOREAN 3 | Intermediate Korean I5 unitsTransfer: UC, CSU Satisfies Global Citizenship
This course is a continuation of Korean 2 and further builds up a solid foundation to achieve practical commands in everyday social interactions. Engaging and comprehensive course materials are designed to encourage students to practice with interactive activities, immersive exercises, and real-life scenarios. The course also familiarizes students with different registers (spoken vs. written) and speech styles. By focusing on both linguistic and cultural aspects, the course equips students with the tools to communicate more confidently and effectively in Korean. This course is taught in Korean except in case of linguistic difficulty as determined by the professor. *The advisory for this course is comparable to three years of high school Korean. |
KOREAN 4 | Intermediate Korean II5 unitsTransfer: UC, CSU IGETC AREA 3B (Humanities) Satisfies Global Citizenship
This course is a continuation of Korean 3 and further enhances all aspects of language learning, including grammar, vocabulary, reading comprehension, listening comprehension, speaking, and writing. Through a balanced approach, students acquire a well-rounded set of skills to confidently communicate in a wide range of real-life situations. Students not only enhance their language proficiency but also gain valuable insights into Korean society, history, and traditions by engaging with real-world content. This course is taught in Korean except in case of linguistic difficulty as determined by the professor. |
KOREAN 8 | Conversational Korean2 unitsTransfer: UC, CSU
This course provides the student with an opportunity to increase fluency in spoken Korean with an emphasis on natural and colloquial usages. New vocabulary and idiomatic expressions will be emphasized, and the student will hold conversations in Korean in class. This course is taught in Korean except in cases of linguistic difficulty as determined by the professor. Applied and service-learning field experience within a public agency, educational institution, and citizen volunteer groups is a requirement of this class. |
KOREAN 9 | Korean Civilization3 unitsTransfer: UC, CSU IGETC AREA 3B (Humanities) Satisfies Global Citizenship
This course is an introduction to Korean civilization and literature. While encompassing aspects of philosophy, religion, and art, the course aims to throw light on key works of Korean prose and poetry from ancient to contemporary periods. The social, political, and cultural contextualization of these works will be used as a vehicle to a better understanding of Korea. The course does not require any prior knowledge of Korean language, literature or culture. All materials will be in English. |
KOREAN 25 | Korean for the Professions3 unitsTransfer: CSU
This course provides the student with an opportunity to acquire professional skills in both oral and written Korean in the business environment. Students practice appropriate preparation of documents, communications, and interview skills. The course concentrates on the topics that are relevant to industry, which could include special vocabulary encountered during phone calls, emails, negotiations, meetings, presentations, etc., and also on general topics that occur within international trade relations. |
KOREAN 99 | Applied Learning in Korean1 unitTransfer: CSU
This course — taken in tandem with another course in the discipline — enables a student to apply course content in a meaningful and relevant way to a particular activity. In this hands-on course, students engage in applied learning through unpaid experiential activities organized by the student (in conjunction with SMC’s applied/service learning center) and approved by the instructor. Students will develop a customized reading list relevant to their particular activity, complete a minimum of 15 hours of volunteer work with that activity, and submit academically-sound written reports regarding the activity. By applying course material to their experience, students develop a deeper understanding of the discipline. |