Physicists study matter, energy, and the relationships between them and devise methods to apply laws and theories of physics to industry, medicine, and other fields. Some career titles include acoustic physicist, astrophysicist, engineer, satellite data analyst, and medical or nuclear physicist.
PHYSCS 6 | General Physics 1 with Lab4 unitsTransfer: UC, CSU C-ID: PHYS 105. IGETC AREA 5A (Physical Sciences, + LAB)
This course is an algebra- and trigonometry-based study of classical mechanics, including elastic properties of matter and thermodynamics. |
PHYSCS 7 | General Physics 2 with Lab4 unitsTransfer: UC, CSU IGETC AREA 5A (Physical Sciences, + LAB)
This course is an algebra- and trigonometry-based study of electricity and magnetism, geometrical and wave optics, and some special relativity and quantum physics. |
PHYSCS 8 | Calculus-based General Physics 1 with Lab4 unitsTransfer: UC, CSU IGETC AREA 5A (Physical Sciences, + LAB)
This course is a calculus-based study of the mechanics of solids and liquids, elastic properties of matter, heat, and wave motion. |
PHYSCS 9 | Calculus-based General Physics 2 with Lab4 unitsTransfer: UC, CSU IGETC AREA 5A (Physical Sciences, + LAB)
This course is a calculus-based study of electricity and magnetism, geometrical and physical optics, special relativity, and quantum physics. |
PHYSCS 12 | Introductory Physics Non-Lab3 unitsTransfer: UC, CSU IGETC AREA 5A (Physical Sciences, non-lab) Physics 12 is designed for the student who is interested in a more conceptual and less mathematical approach to physics. It is a survey course introducing the topics of mechanics, heat, sound, electricity and magnetism, light and modern physics. The emphasis will be on developing conceptual understanding of the laws of nature through lectures, demonstrations, and class discussions. High school math recommended. |
PHYSCS 14 | Introductory Physics with Lab4 unitsTransfer: UC, CSU IGETC AREA 5A (Physical Science, + LAB) Physics 14 is recommended for students who have not had high school physics but are planning to take Physics. This course is similar to Physics 12 in content and difficulty level, but with a laboratory session added to enhance the learning experience. Physics 14 is designed for the student who is interested in a more conceptual and less mathematical approach to physics. It is a one semester survey course introducing the topics of mechanics, heat, sound, electricity and magnetism, light and modern physics. The emphasis will be on developing conceptual understanding of the laws of nature through hands-on experiences, laboratory experiments, and computer interactions, in addition to lectures and demonstrations. Maximum credit for Physics 12 and 14 combined is 4 units. High school math recommended. |
PHYSCS 20 | Preparation for Calculus-Based Physics2 unitsTransfer: CSU
This course serves as a preparation for calculus-based physics. It serves as an introduction to classical mechanics, including concepts and principles pertinent to the mechanics of solids. It also prepares students for handling data and analysis at the level required in Physics 8 and 21. |
PHYSCS 21 | Mechanics with Lab5 unitsTransfer: UC, CSU C-ID: PHYS 205. IGETC AREA 5A (Physical Sciences, + Lab)
Formerly PHYSCS 1. This course is a calculus-based study of the mechanics of rigid bodies, emphasizing Newton’s laws and its applications. This course includes an introduction to fluids. It is designed for engineering, physical science, and computer science majors. |
PHYSCS 22 | Electricity and Magnetism with Lab5 unitsTransfer: UC, CSU C-ID: PHYS 210. IGETC Area 5A (Physical Science, + LAB)
Formerly PHYSCS 3. This course is a calculus-based study of electromagnetism covering aspects of electric and magnetic fields, DC and AC circuits, electromagnetic interactions, light, and relativity. The course is intended for engineering and physical science students. |
PHYSCS 23 | Fluids, Waves, Thermodynamics, Optics with Lab5 unitsTransfer: UC, CSU C-ID: PHYS 215. IGETC AREA 5A (Physical Sciences, + LAB)
Formerly PHYSCS 2. This course is a calculus-based study of fluids, waves, thermodynamics, and light intended for engineering and physical science students. |
PHYSCS 24 | Modern Physics with Lab3 unitsTransfer: UC, CSU
This course is a calculus-based introduction to modern physics for engineering and physical science students. Topics will be selected from the areas of relativity and quantum physics that include applications to atoms, molecules, solids, and nuclei. |
PHYSCS 88A | Independent Studies in Physics1 unitTransfer: CSU Please see “Independent Studies” section. |
PHYSCS 88B | Independent Studies in Physics2 unitsTransfer: CSU Please see “Independent Studies” section. |