KIN PE 57C | Advanced Volleyball1 unitTransfer: UC*, CSU
This course covers advanced techniques and strategies of the game in a competitive class situation. The continuing development of high level skills is emphasized. |
KIN PE 58A | Beginning Yoga1 unitTransfer: UC*, CSU Basic yoga positions and exercises, control breathing, relaxation, meditation techniques, and stretching postures are addressed in the class. All yoga classes require that students provide their own yoga mats. |
KIN PE 58B | Intermediate Yoga1 unitTransfer: UC*, CSU Exposure to intermediate and advanced postures, relaxation, meditation, pranayama and concentration exercises are covered in the class. All yoga classes require that students provide their own yoga mats. |
KIN PE 58C | Advanced Yoga1 unitTransfer: UC*, CSU This is an in-depth yoga course for the advanced student who has previous yoga experience resulting in knowledge of 25 basic poses. Deeper and expanded study of the standing poses and basic posture, shoulder hand variations, and back bends. All yoga classes require that students provide their own yoga mats. |
KIN PE 59A | Beginning Beach Volleyball1 unitTransfer: UC*, CSU This course covers basic techniques and strategies in playing beach volleyball. The beginning fundamentals, rules and etiquette are emphasized. |
KIN PE 59B | Intermediate Beach Volleyball1 unitTransfer: UC*, CSU This course covers techniques and strategies in playing power beach volleyball at the four and two-person level. The continuing development of high level skills is emphasized. |
KIN PE 59C | Advanced Beach Volleyball1 unitTransfer: UC*, CSU This course covers advanced techniques and strategies of beach volleyball in a competitive class situation. The continuing development of high level skills is emphasized. |
KIN PE 5A | Beginning Badminton1 unitTransfer: UC*, CSU This course covers the basic skills in playing badminton, including the rules and techniques of the basic skills: serving, underhand and overhand strokes. |
KIN PE 5B | Intermediate Badminton1 unitTransfer: UC*, CSU This course continues with drills for the basic skills in playing badminton and introduces the doubles game. Doubles strategies and drills designed to improve placement and consistency are covered. |
KIN PE 5C | Advanced Badminton1 unitTransfer: UC*, CSU This course covers the techniques and skills of badminton, including the rules and strategies for competitive play. |
KIN PE 7C | Advanced Baseball for Men1 unitTransfer: UC*, CSU This course is designed to provide an opportunity to experience a competitive situation similar to intercollegiate competition |
KIN PE 88A | Independent Studies in Physical Education1 unitTransfer: CSU Please see “Independent Studies” section. |
KIN PE 88B | Independent Studies in Physical Education2 unitsTransfer: CSU Please see “Independent Studies” section. |
KIN PE 88C | Independent Studies in Physical Education3 unitsTransfer: CSU Please see “Independent Studies” section. |
KIN PE 9A | Beginning Basketball1 unitTransfer: UC*, CSU This is an activity course designed to introduce the student to basketball skills and rules. |
KIN PE 9B | Intermediate Basketball1 unitTransfer: UC*, CSU
This course is designed to introduce the student to the strategies of team defensive basketball. Topics include the skills required to play defense, drills to improve on those skills, development of defensive strategies and drills to improve in the execution of those strategies. |
KIN PE 9C | Advanced Basketball1 unitTransfer: UC*, CSU
This is an activity course designed with an emphasis on high level competition among students with previous experience. The course stresses advanced fundamentals and strategies. |
KIN PE 9W | Advanced Basketball for Women1 unitTransfer: UC*, CSU This is an activity course designed with an emphasis on high level competition among students with previous experience. The course stresses advanced fundamentals and strategies. |
KOREAN 1 | Elementary Korean I5 unitsTransfer: UC, CSU IGETC Foreign Language (required for UC only) Satisfies Global Citizenship This course introduces the students to the Korean alphabet Hangul, basic vocabulary, and fundamental sentence structures in present, past, and future tense. Pronunciation, grammar, and everyday vocabulary are stressed as indispensable tools for comprehension and expressions. Korean customs and culture are also highlighted. This course is taught in Korean except in case of linguistic difficulty as determined by the professor. |
KOREAN 2 | Elementary Korean II5 unitsTransfer: UC, CSU IGETC AREA 3B (Humanities), Foreign Language (required for UC only) Satisfies Global Citizenship
This course is a continuation of Korean 1 and further stresses modal expressions with various clausal connectives and sentence ending forms. Advanced basic aural and oral skills and reading comprehension skills are also developed. Students hold simple conversations and write short compositions in the form of compound sentences. It also advances students’ knowledge of Korean culture, customs, and traditions. This course is taught in Korean except in case of linguistic difficulty as determined by the professor. *The advisory for this course is comparable to two years of high school Korean. |