MATH 21 | Finite Mathematics3 unitsTransfer: UC, CSU IGETC AREA 2 (Mathematical Concepts)
This is a terminal mathematics course for liberal arts and social science majors. Topics include sets and counting, probability, linear systems, linear programming, statistics, and mathematics of finance, with emphasis on applications. |
MATH 21C | Concurrent Support for Finite Mathematics1 unit
This course provides a review of the core prerequisite skills, competencies, and concepts needed for students who are concurrently enrolled in Finite Mathematics. Topics include theory, procedures, and practices from pre-algebra, beginning algebra, and intermediate algebra. Particular attention is paid to solving and graphing linear equations and inequalities, problem-solving and modeling strategies, translating and interpreting language for the purpose of formulating mathematical phrases and statements, simplifying arithmetic and algebraic expressions, and learning to use the appropriate technology (typically scientific calculators) needed in Math 21. Pass/No Pass only. |
MATH 26 | Functions and Modeling for Business and Social Science3 unitsTransfer: UC*, CSU IGETC AREA 2 (Mathematical Concepts)
*Maximum UC credit for MATH 2, MATH 4, and MATH 26 is 5 units. This course is a preparatory course for students anticipating enrollment in Math 28 (Calculus 1 for Business and Social Science). Topics include algebraic, exponential and logartihmic functions and their graphical representations, and using these functions to model applications in business and social science. MATH 26 is not recommended as a terminal course to satisfy transfer requirements. |
MATH 26C | Concurrent Support for Functions and Modeling for Business and Social Science2 units
This course emphasizes a review of the core prerequisite skills, competencies, and concepts needed in Math 26. It is intended for majors in business and social science concurrently enrolled in MATH 26, Functions and Modeling for Business and Social Science. Topics include a review of computational skills developed in intermediate algebra, factoring, operations on rational and radical expressions, absolute value equations, linear equations and inequalities, simple polynomial equations, exponential and logarithmic expressions and equations, functions including composition and inverses, and an in-depth focus on applications. This course is appropriate for students who are proficient in their beginning algebra skills. Pass/No Pass only. |
MATH 28 | Calculus 1 for Business and Social Science5 unitsTransfer: UC*, CSU C-ID: MATH 140. IGETC AREA 2 (Mathematical Concepts)
*Maximum UC credit for MATH 7 and MATH 28 is one course. This course is intended for students majoring in business or social sciences. It is a survey of differential and integral calculus with business and social science applications. Topics include limits, differential calculus of one variable, including exponential and logarithmic functions, introduction to integral calculus, and mathematics of finance. |
MATH 29 | Calculus 2 for Business and Social Science3 unitsTransfer: UC*, CSU IGETC AREA 2 (Mathematical Concepts)
*Maximum UC credit for MATH 8 and MATH 29 is one course. Topics include techniques and applications of integration, improper integrals, functions of several variables, partial derivatives, method of least squares, maxima and minima of functions of several variables with and without constraints, methods of LaGrange Multipliers, double integrals and their application, elementary differential equations with applications, probability and calculus. |
MATH 2C | Concurrent Support for Precalculus2 units
A review of the core prerequisite skills, competencies, and concepts needed in precalculus. Intended for students who are concurrently enrolled in Math 2, Precalculus. Topics include concepts from elementary algebra, geometry, and intermediate algebra that are needed to understand the basics of college-level precalculus. Emphasis is placed on real and complex numbers; fundamental operations on algebraic expressions and functions; algebraic factoring and simplification; introduction to functions, equations and graphs; circles and parabolas; properties of geometric figures, similarity, and special right triangles. Pass/No Pass only. |
MATH 3 | Trigonometry with Applications3 unitsTransfer: CSU
This course is intended for students majoring in Science, Technology, Engineering, or Mathematics (STEM). Math 3 in combination with Math 4 (College Algebra for STEM Majors) serves as a prerequisite for Math 7 (Calculus 1). The course includes a study of the properties and graphs of trigonometric and inverse trigonometric functions, trigonometric identities, solutions of triangles, trigonometric equations, parametric equations, polar coordinates and polar equations, the algebra of vectors in two and three dimensions and topics from analytic geometry and applications. |
MATH 31 | Elementary Algebra5 units
Topics include: Arithmetic operations with real numbers, polynomials, rational expressions, and radicals; factoring polynomials; linear equations and inequalities in one and two variables; systems of linear equations and inequalities in two variables; application problems; equations with rational expressions; equations with radicals; introduction to quadratic equations in one variable. This course is equivalent to one year high school algebra. Students enrolled in this course are required to spend 16 documented supplemental learning hours outside of class during the semester. |
MATH 32 | Plane Geometry3 units
This is an introductory course in geometry whose goal is to increase the mathematical maturity and reasoning skills of students. Topics include elementary logical reasoning, properties of geometric figures, congruence, similarity, and special right triangles. Formal proof is introduced and used within the course. |
MATH 3C | Concurrent Support for Trigonometry with Applications1 unit
A review of the core prerequisite skills, competencies, and concepts needed in trigonometry. Intended for students who are concurrently enrolled in Math 3, Trigonometry with Applications. Topics include concepts from elementary and intermediate algebra and analytic geometry that are needed to understand the basics of trigonometry. Emphasis is placed on studying angles and their properties; geometric figures including circles and triangles; factoring and simplifying algebraic expressions; equations and graphs of circles; introduction to functions; fundamental operations on algebraic expressions and functions. Pass/No Pass only. |
MATH 4 | College Algebra for STEM Majors4 unitsTransfer: UC*, CSU IGETC AREA 2 (Mathematical Concepts)
*Maximum UC credit for MATH 2, MATH 4, and MATH 26 is 5 units. This course is intended for students majoring in Science, Technology, Engineering, or Mathematics (STEM). Math 4 in combination with Math 3 (Trigonometry with applications) serves as a prerequisite for Math 7 (Calculus 1). The topics to be covered include review of the fundamentals of algebra, relations, functions, solutions of first and second degree equations and inequalities, systems of equations, matrices, binomial theorem, mathematical induction, polynomial and rational functions, exponential and logarithmic functions, analytic geometry and conic sections, and geometric and arithmetic sequences and series. |
MATH 41 | Mathematics for Elementary School Teachers3 unitsTransfer: UC, CSU
This course is designed for pre-service elementary school teachers. The course examines several content areas: numeration systems (historical development of numeration system, Hindu-Arabic numeration system, and place value systems); integers (structure, basic properties and computational algorithms); basic number theory (divisibility, primes and composites, prime factorization, Fundamental Theorem of Arithmetic, greatest common divisor, least common multiple); rational numbers (structure and properties, ratio and proportions); real numbers (structure and basic properties, arithmetic operations, rational and irrational numbers, decimal representation, number line representation); problem solving (patterns, connections, modeling, reasoning and representations, strategies, inductive and deductive reasoning); and national and state curriculum standards for elementary school math including Common Core State Standards. |
MATH 49 | Beginning and Intermediate Algebra for Statistics and Finite Mathematics6 units
This is an accelerated course covering the topics of Beginning and Intermediate algebra. Specific topics include arithmetic operations with real numbers, change of units and percents, polynomials, rational expressions, and radicals; linear equations and inequalities; systems of linear equations and inequalities; application problems; equations with rational expressions; equations with radicals; linear, quadratic, exponential and logarithmic functions and equations; factoring; drawing and interpreting graphs; sequences and series. The emphasis is on setting up and solving applications of the algebraic material. |
MATH 4C | Concurrent Support for College Algebra for STEM Majors1 unit
A review of the core prerequisite skills, competencies, and concepts needed in College Algebra. Intended for students who are concurrently enrolled in Math 4, College Algebra for STEM Majors. Topics include concepts from elementary and intermediate algebra and analytic geometry that are needed to understand the basics of college-level algebra. Emphasis is placed on real and complex numbers; fundamental operations on algebraic expressions and functions; factoring and simplifying algebraic expressions; introduction to functions, solving equations and systems of linear equations; graphs of elementary functions and their properties. Pass/No Pass only. |
MATH 50 | Pre-Statistics5 units This course introduces algebra topics and the basic elements of exploratory data analysis needed for Elementary Statistics (Math 54) and Finite Mathematics (Math 21). Course topics include number and operation sense with regard to whole numbers, integers, rational numbers, mixed numbers, decimals, grouping symbols, order of operations, estimation and approximation, scientific notation, ratios, percents, proportions, formulas and algebraic expressions, linear equations and inequalities in one variable, analyzing and producing data, sample statistics and graphs, functions, systems of linear equations, and probability. MATH 50 is designed for students who are only required to complete Elementary Statistics (MATH 54) or Finite Mathematics (MATH 21). Students who plan to take a non-math course which lists MATH 20 or MATH 31 as a pre-requisite should take those courses unless otherwise advised by the department offering the non-math course. This course is not intended as a preparation for precalculus or calculus. Students planning to take Precalculus (MATH 2) must complete Intermediate Algebra (MATH 20). |
MATH 54 | Elementary Statistics4 unitsTransfer: UC, CSU C-ID: MATH 110. IGETC AREA 2 (Mathematical Concepts)
Formerly MATH 52. This course covers concepts and procedures of descriptive statistics, elementary probability theory and inferential statistics. Course content includes: summarizing data; computation and interpretation of descriptive statistics; classical probability theory; probability distributions; binomial, normal, T, Chi-square and F distributions; making inferences; decisions and predictions. This course develops, analyzes, and interprets confidence intervals for population parameters, hypothesis testing for both one and two populations, correlation and regression, ANOVA, and test for independence. This course develops statistical thinking through the study of applications in variety of disciplines. The use of a statistical/graphing calculator and/or statistical analysis software is integrated into the course. |
MATH 54C | Concurrent Support for Elementary Statistics2 units
A review of the core prerequisite skills, competencies, and concepts needed in statistics. Intended for students who are concurrently enrolled in MATH 54, Elementary Statistics. Topics include: concepts from arithmetic, pre-algebra, elementary and intermediate algebra that are needed to understand the basics of college-level statistics. Concepts are taught through the context of descriptive data analysis. Pass/No Pass only. |
MATH 7 | Calculus 15 unitsTransfer: UC*, CSU C-ID: MATH 211. IGETC AREA 2 (Mathematical Concepts)
*Maximum UC credit for MATH 7 and MATH 28 is one course. This first course in calculus is intended primarily for science, technology, engineering and mathematics majors. Topics include limits, continuity, and derivatives and integrals of algebraic and trigonometric functions, with mathematical and physical applications. |
MATH 8 | Calculus 25 unitsTransfer: UC*, CSU C-ID: MATH 221. IGETC AREA 2 (Mathematical Concepts)
*Maximum UC credit for MATH 8 and MATH 29 is one course. This second course in calculus is intended primarily for science, technology, engineering, and mathematics majors. Topics include derivatives and integrals of transcendental functions with mathematical and physical applications, indeterminate forms and improper integrals, infinite sequences and series, and curves, including conic sections, described by parametric equations and polar coordinates. |